Protecting Our Children
All St. Boniface teaching and non-teaching personnel and volunteers who have direct contact with children must maintain valid background checks and child protection certification as required by law and by Archdiocesan decrees.
For more information, please visit the Archdiocesan website:
House Bill 49: Posting Requirement
This bill requires each chartered nonpublic school to publish on the school’s website:
1. The number of students enrolled in the school by the last day of October of the current school year.
2. The school’s policy regarding background checks for teaching and nonteaching employees and for volunteers who have direct contact with students.
Several weeks ago, we recommended that you satisfy the second part of this requirement using the following statement:
This school complies with The Decree on Child Protection which is promulgated by the Archbishop of Cincinnati.
After further guidance from the Catholic Conference of Ohio, we recommend adding this language to the original statement:
Our fingerprinting policy includes manual fingerprinting for employees and electronic background checks for all employees and volunteers.